
"Transmedia storytelling has taken the notion of breaking up a narrative arc into multiple discrete chunks or installments within a single medium and instead has spread those disparate ideas or story chunks across multiple media systems."
Caddell, 2009

Family Guy Uncensored is a mobile game where you explore multiple levels and 7 mini-games as one of five playable characters. Player can visit familiar places in Quahog, meet Peter’s friends like Joe, Cleveland or Opie, the game is coherent to the main narration and you can take part in Quahog’s life however, it does not enhance the story world by new characters, locations or events that would be included in the main story line. 

Laugh it up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy is a parody of 3 original Star Wars movies with characters from The Family Guy on 30th Star Wars’ anniversary. It was aired in on television and released on  DVD and Blu-ray. The trilogy was not a continuation of The Family Guy story and it was not coherent to the main narrative as e.g. the family relations changed, Stewie was Dart Wader so he was Chris’ father, thus the movies were not entry points to The Family Guy world.

On one hand, we have video games and comics that engage people with other platforms than the television series only. On the other hand, those are not meaningful chunks that help us to get some additional information of the story world connected with the main narrative. The story’s extensions are not coherent to the main narration and do not expand the story world with some new characters, events or locations. Those are just pieces of stories placed in the story world that do not have any relation to what happens in the series, the main narration plot. Thus, we cannot perceive them as enriching pieces of the story that in turns questions the seriality notion in the case of The Family Guy.